[Above Image] Global Dialectic Positive Life Series 2008 - 09: Self-Portraits @ M. Art + M. Design + M. Architecture + Red Guard + Red Little Guard + Little Master + A Sense Of Life Journey ( The Originality of Karl W. Lu Graphic Designed Painting )
Since Karl W. Lu stepped up onto the global artworld stage from Australia to China and USA in 2012 - 2013, over only past five years, Lu's unique global life as a real contemporary artist of genuine thinker, creator, and entrepreneur has been discovered and published rapidly by more and more galleries, museums, art fairs, and publishers around the world. In fact, Karl Lu manifestoed his Contemporary Art Positivism in 2008, soon after he well completed three Master's degrees in Art, Design and Architecture ( design & computing ) at University of New South Wales, Australia. As part of his Manifesto of Contemporary Art Positivism, Karl Lu has originated his on-going Global Dialectic Positive Life Series since 2008-09 [ As Shown Above] to positively [in terms of historical & philosophical positivism] and auto-biographically recall and record his real global life journey of our time which may also dialecticly reflect or imply the global life journey of all thoses who may share parts or similar life experience with Lu's. In order to positively address Karl Lu himself not only a true Master of Art, but also a Master of Design with distinction in graphic design as well, he intentionally paint the Global Dialectic Positive Life Series as a series of Digital Graphic Design Style which are absolutely painted with acrylic & oil as real painting, but painted like digitally designed graphic posters or book covers , or, painted with certain graphic design thinking and effects !!! As a result, Lu has also created another innovative type painting, namely, Karl W. Lu Graphic Designed Painting, or, Painted Graphic Design.
[Lfte Image] Global Dialectic Positive Life Series 2008 - 2011: The Contemporary Global Real Life of Our Time - "The Crazy Ones, The Misfits,
[Lfte Image] Global Dialectic Positive Life Series 2008 - 2011: The Contemporary Global Real Life of Our Time - "The Crazy Ones, The Misfits,
The Rebels, The Genius ... to mourn for Steven Jobs of Apple 2011" + Sydney Business School of University of Sydney 2011 Alumni Dinner with guest speaker Prof. Kathneman, Nobel Laureate in economics, at the famous Great Hall of The University of Sydney, which was ever used as a traditional stonemasons scene for the film of Harry Potter + The Chancellor of University of Sydney attended a graduation ceremony in Beijing, China for its 4200 Chinese students in Oct. 2011. So that, the mentioned figures including Lu's self portrait and the Alumni Dinner scene within the Great Hall were painted positively to historically record some significant global events which moved Karl Lu or participated by him in 2011.
Karl W. Lu dreams and acts to fufil himself as a genuine thinker, creator, and entrepreneur all the way through his life. Lu had continuously and quietly to learn, study, and practice his "Gong Fu" in arts, science, psychology, philosophy, international relations, finance, art, design, architecture, and computing over the past decades as a true "Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon" until he stepped onto the world stage from Australia recently to publish his artworks and menifesto his view & philosophy of art online through major Chinese web art media in 2012. And, since Karl Lu exhibited respectively in Beijing and Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach week in 2013, he has been rapidly approached by various galleries, curators, art fairs, museums, and publishers all over the world, to exhibit and publish his remarkable and distinctive artworks of excellence world wide. Here listed are the major global and international art books, magazines, and catalogues which have pubished Karl W. Lu's artist profile with his artworks and biography across Europe, USA, China, and Japan.
Lu's works have been frequently published by the World of Art Magazine, a UK based art magazine.
His paintings have also been published by The World of Interiors and House & Garden magazines of the CONDE NAST, the world's most renowned media companies which also publishes the most influential magazines, such as Vogue, The New Yorker, Conde Nast Traveler, Architectural Digest, etc.
Top 10 Contemporary Artists
Karl W. Lu has been selected as one of the top 10 contemporary artists and his artworks havve been published by the London based Madster Of Today art publisher. 2022
The Best Modern and Contemporary Artists, 2016, EA Editore, Italy,
Eight artworks of Karl Weiming Lu were published alongside with those works of the best modern and contempoary artists, such as, P. Cezanne, G.D.Chirico, S. Dali, W. De Kooning, E. Hopper, P. Klee, F. Kline, R. Lichtenstein, H. Matisse, J. Miro, A. Modigliani, P. Mondrian, P. Picasso, J. Pollock, Mark Rothko, etc. ----------------------- Curated by Salvatore Russo and Francesco S. Russo
Karl W. Lu is regarded as a true global Renaissance man, his life and art spans from East to West, in his ongoing quest for knowledge and creativity. In 1991, the celebrated Hangzhou artist relocated to Australia to have postgraduate studiesin philosophy, international studies, finance, and further achieve triple Master’s degrees in Art, Architecture and Design.Lu's art style reflects his personal journey and respected position within the early 1980's Chinese Elite StudentMovement and the significant "85 New Wave Art Movement"( 85 美术新潮).
International Contemporary Masters Vol. XI, 2016 published by World Wide Art Books, CA. USA
Trained in both Eastern and Western traditions, Lu often combines the two to create unique hybrid styles of mixed media of acrylic and oil with both oil and Chinese ink brush techniques. "The Memory Series” evokes both real and imaginary landscapes where 1980's students pondered philosophy, literature, art and science. Lu first created his original "Dripping Flow” technique in his “Memory Series" in 2003 and fully embraces the distinctive abstract style in his ongoing "The Dripping Fluid Series”. His most recent, "The Origin Series" employs Chinese ink brush skills in an homage to science, bio-forms, life, time space, and universe, which have created Lu's unique and distictive style of abstract beauty. ---------- Curated by Despina Tunberg
INTERNATIONALE KUNST HEUTE 2015 ( International Art Today 2015 ), IKH-Publishing, Germany
Der chinesische Kunstler Karl W. Lu ist nach Australien umgesiedelt, um dort Philosophie, Finanz-und Ingenieurswesen zu studieren sowie den Abschluss in Bildender Kunst, Architektur, und Design zu machen. Die Themen seiner technisch vielfaltigen Malerei kreisen um westliche und ostliche Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaft. So beziehen sie sich haufig auf Salongesprache chinesischer Studenten uber Freud, Kafka, Sartre, Marx, Hegel, Mondrian, Laotse, Zuang Zhi und Taoismus.Den Salon organisierte er selbst, weil ihm der geistige Austausch sehr wichtig ist. ------- Dr. Ingrid Gardill, Kunsthistorikerin
Art and Art Market: Masters of 21st Century, 2017, MAMAG Modern Art Museum Austria
"Die Kunstwerke von Karl Weiming Lu mit unklaren Linien und Formen verbinden den Osten und Westen. Mit der chinesischen Technik zeigt er die Wärme und Offenheit als auch moderne Ansichten des Westen. Mit der philosophischen Andeutung lässt erklare Linien in unklaren verschwommenen Formen verschwinden, genau wie die Zeit und die Menschen in dem Universum verschwinden. Seine Kunstwerke in einer minimalistischen Ausarbeitung verbinden wissenschaftliche und philosophische Analysen und Gedanken. Einfach und genial sprechen die Kunstwerke mit dem Betrachter". "The artworks by Karl Weiming Lu with unclear lines and shapes connect the east and west. With the Chinese Technique he shows the warmth and openness as well as modern views of the west. With the philosophical allusion he makes
clear lines disappear in unclear blurred shapes, exactly as the time and the people disappear in the universe. His artworks in a minimalist elaboration combine scientific and philosophical analyzes and thoughts. Simple and ingenious the artwork speak with the viewer". --------------- Heinz Playner, Curator of PAKS Gallery
Bienal De Arte Barcelona II, The 2nd Barcelona Art Biennial 2017 Spain, EA Edi. & Sserradifalco Publisher
Karl Weiming Lu e un artista nato in Cina naturalizzato australiano, che vive a Sidney. Nato nel 1962 in una famiglia intellettuale ed artistica, prima di dedicarsi all'arte, studia economia. E stato un pioniere dei movimenti studenteschi degli anni ottanta. Ha lavorato come ingegnere e collaborato con la rivista New Art magazine dell'Accademia Cinese, prendendo anche parte al movimento New Age di quegli anni. Dagli anni novanta in pol, si dedica piu costantemente all'arte, conseguendo diplomi e cominciando ad esporre in tutto il mondo: Stati Uniti, Australia, Cina, Inghilterra, Giappone, Germania, Francia, Italia, Spagna, Olanda, Austria, Svizzera, Portogallo e Denmark, partecipando a collettive e mostre personali.
BIENNALE Internazionale d'Arte del MEDITERRANEO ( 1st International Biennale of Art of Mediterranean Sea ) 2017
Cambiamento, astrazione, rivalutazione delle forme e interpretazione della realta, sono solo alcuni degli step che portano il maestro Weiming alla creazione delle sue opere. L’evanescenza delle campiture cromatiche contribuisce a rendere I suoi dipinti evocativi, emblematici di un’interiorita sospesa tra anima e cuore, e che il maestro mette a disposizione dell’astante attraverso L’interpretazione delle sue opere. Un artista di grande modernita che getta le basi per una nuova cultura dell’arte. ( Change, abstraction, revaluation of the forms, and interpretation of reality are just some of the steps that Master Weiming Lu brings to the creation of his works. The evanescence of the chromatic patterns contributes to making its evocative paintings, emblematic of an interior suspended between soul and heart, and which the master puts at his disposal through the interpretation of his works. An artist of great modernity laying the foundations for a new art. )
More published artworks of Karl W. Lu such as shown here will be added on the list .....